There is a fabulous FREE training website that has helped me tremendously just understanding what it takes to get traffic and giving me tools to actually get that traffic. Even if you aren't a pilates instructor, you might want to push your studio over the top and get more visibility for your services. Maybe your web-person is already doing that for you. This training course is a great way for you to understand ways that you personally can build your business using free methods.
I'm not going to say free again, but check out the Thirty Day Challenge. You don't have to finish the course in 30 days but it gives you a step by step daily set of videos and instruction. The lessons are easy to follow and you can watch and re-watch the material. You can even download the lessons to your ipod or iphone. This is what I do to more complex lessons that I don't "get" the first time through.
Even though I have technically finished the Thirty Day Challenge, I'm only beginning my education, so join me!
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