Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pilates Teacher Video Series

I haven't done a video for a few weeks now. Mostly because I don't think quantity indicates quality! The same goes for teaching pilates. I try to get my clients out of the habit of counting their reps. I'm not there to count their repetitions...

Still people like to know how many more they have to do, so they can pace themselves.
So, I'm also trying to count when I know it matters to them and their bodies.

Here's the most recent video I did for my Teaching Pilates video series. I'm working on another video right now, so stay tuned. Enjoy this and let me know what you think!

I'm always trying to find new ways to improve myself as a pilates instructor -- from the classes I put together, obtaining new knowledge, or trying out a new business tactic to grow my business.

What is one thing you do to improve yourself or your business as a pilates instructor?

Again, don't forget to check out this pilates teaching video!

Also, check out my new website - which is mostly for my pilates clients, but you might find interesting! I like to focus on different aspects pilates and combining it with other fitness programs.

Have a great day!

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